Welcome to the Saturday Edition of Fro-Back Friday!
Besides the hair pix you all know and love, I’d like to introduce you to a few of my favorite things. Okay. Who did not just sing that last line?
Below I’ve listed links to some of the blogs, websites, and people I follow. There are many more that I’ll share with you in another post.
The idea for this post came to me as I flailed about trying to put together Pinterest boards. It occurred to me, between all the swearing and deleting, that Pinterest is a really fun way to organize things; and I’m allergic to organization. I mean hives. All over.
By the by, if you understand the way in which Pinterest works, please feel free to explain it to me. And please visit my pin cushion and look for the new pins I’ll add once I know what the heck I’m doing.
Leslie’s Pinterest Pin Cushion
If you don’t have a pin cushion on Pinterest, consider yourself normal, and just click on the links below to view some of the stuff I pinned.

If you’re a tree-hugger, like I am, who doesn’t know the difference between a Box Elder and a Buckthorn, (ISA) Certified Arborsmith’s Lesley and Gilbert Smith can help. Lesley came over a few weeks ago and helped me figure out what to do with the “back 40,” as I like to call our wooded area, after we lost 13 Ash trees last year. And, no, I didn’t hire them because her name is “Lesley,” nor did I hire them because of their clever name. But, ya gotta love the name.
Subscribe to their free newsletter, “Our Wisdom.” http://www.thearborsmiths.com/our-wisdom/
Be-leave me, they know what they’re talking about. (Sorry! I couldn’t resist that one.)

The Blog of Funny Names
I don’t know how, but this blog finds the funniest names in every area of life, from FIFA to surfer-dudes.
The Blue Coast Artists
Go “behind the scenes” and tour the artists’ studios. The link below has all the info. you’ll need about the artists, Harvest Country, and the 2014 Blue Coast Artists’ Fall Tour Map.
The Comic Torah
Reimagining the Very Good Book
Co-created by Sharon Rosenzweig and Aaron Freeman
Eugene Finerman
Self-described writer-researcher-autocrat, and former Jeopardy! champion, EugeneFinerman, makes history fun and slays me with his RDA of Irony. I even got to meet him once! It was very cool.
Graphic Medicine
Healthcare meets Comedy. Remember, laughter is the best medicine!
The Grimm Report
Written by a team of cleverly creative contributors, The Grimm Report blends satire, current events, fairy tales, and folklore. Its sponsors are The Muffin Man, and Humpty Dumpty’s latest book (now available in paperback!) Facing My Inner Chicken; Life as an Eternal Egg.
The Heron’s Path
Author Alethea Eason’s website offers a variety of her fictional works, which are, to someone like me who writes non-fiction, well, mind-blowing! How does she think of this stuff?
I Didn’t Have My Glasses On
“A Trip Through Life with my Fingers Crossed and Eternal Optimism” pretty much says it all.
Because I am also hearing-impaired, I find Jenny’s ability to find the humor in life, (“I’m deaf, not blind”) inspirational and hilarious.
The Jump for Joy Project
Eyoälha Baker’s photo project JUMP FOR JOY is my daily smile.
Khneumu Studio on Fernwood Farm
I wrote a story about The Blue Coast Artists for LAKE Magazine and fell in love with Fernwood Farm, Dawn Soltysiak, her chickens, cows, dogs, peacocks, turkeys (the feeling was not mutual with the turkeys), and the beautiful, handcrafted pottery she makes. Khnemu Studio is a Member Studio of The Blue Coast Artists (website listed above.)
Matthew Inman; The Oatmeal
Cartoons, comics, and hilarity
Mind, Body Golf
PGA Pro Rick Williams’ writing style is as easy as a conversation with a good friend. Rick’s positive philosophy makes him my guru when it comes to golf, family, a colorful wardrobe, and the importance of beautifully plated, healthy, well-prepared meals. His photos are the icing on the cake.
The Return of the Modern Philosopher
Screenwriter Austin Hodgens writes The Return of the Modern Philosopher; Deep thoughts from the shallow end of the pool. It’s like The Onion, only better. Austin is one of the most creative and talented writer’s I’ve found in the blogosphere so far.
Cool Fact:
If you e mail .jpg attachments to me at lesliejochase@gmail.com, your fro might just become famous! Please e mail pix to me! I am running out of pictures of hair, people!