Thank you, Robert Bershadsky, for nominating me to do the #ALSIceBucketChallenge. I donated to ALS, and made this video all by myself using iMovie. Lucas Korengold edited and produced the final product. Thanks, Lucas! (You’re so hired!)

Per not the rules, I didn’t complete the challenge and post my video within 24 hours, but — you know me — I’m always late! Per the rules, I’m nominating some of my favorite people:
Rick Williams:

Rick is a PGA Professional, the U.S. Campaign Manager at RetailTribe, the creator of the website, and blog I’ve never met Rick, but am always inspired by his incredibly positive way of looking at everything – – even multiple knee surgeries! Rick’s enthusiasm for life, family, work, golf, and cooking is infectious and I’m grateful to have found him online. The part in the video where I nominate Rick ended up on the cutting room floor, but I mention his first name at the end of the video.
Sharon (“Bubbles”), Michelle, Marc, and Gregg Lavin:

When my family visited my grandmother in Palm Springs, California every year, the Lavin family used to drive in from Encino and rent the condo next door. I loved having so many other kids to be with. Sharon and I were the closest in age and eventually became partners in crime. One night we had the brilliant idea to pour an entire bottle of Mr. Bubble in the Jacuzzi, just to see what would happen. It was such a brilliant idea that we got grounded. Creating a blob of bubbles that crept up to other peoples’ condo doors was awesome, but kids, don’t try this at home!
Leora Sapir:

Leora Sapir and I grew up across the street from each other. She was never afraid of anything; I was not so brave. In May, 2000, Leora, who had come in from California, happened to be at our house when a Microburst blew through town. We lost power as the wind ripped 100-year-old trees attached to their 100-year old roots out of the ground and played Frisbee with them. I tried to act like it was the kind of thing that happened all the time so Leora wouldn’t think I was a wuss. But, when Leora said, “Leslie. We need to go to the basement NOW,” I realized if Leora said we needed to go to the basement, we really needed to go to the basement.
Rick Williams, Sharon, Michele, Marc, and Gregg Lavin, and Leora Sapir, I can’t wait to see your videos posted all over social media, and, if you can, please post a link to your video in the comment section of this website for all to see. Thanks for joining me in the fight against ALS by taking the #ALSICEBUCKETCHALLENGE !
Ugh! I am scared of cold water! Did you know that!
It will be coming
That’s hilarious! I’ve never known you to be afraid of anything! You can always ask someone else to do it in your place.